9 Dec 2018 NOTE: We would like to remind you that older versions 1.8, 1.9 (or JTDX) WILL NOT decode signals sent from WSJT-X Version 2.0. Today A modified version of MT now containing a logbook application. For more Easy import of the WSJT-x .adi file to the MT log for an overview of the content. Removed some less MoonTracker version 1.9.2 rev date 2016 05 07. Test of a new 28 May 2019 WSJT-X is version 1.9.1 and must be updated to 2.0.1. Rumlog is JT-Bridge should be a simple download to install/update. I can't recall for 23 Sep 2018 WSJT-X 2.0 rc1 has been recently announced by the WSJT-X It incorporates all FT8 DXpedition Mode changes already developed in WSJT-X 1.9.1. Open-source, download latest version for Windows, Linux, Macintosh Download and install WSJT-X (release 2.0.0 or higher) from: 1.9. Click on “Advanced” : check “Special operating activity” and Hound” (see image) ONLY IF
26 nov 2019 Upgraden van WSJT-X versies 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 en 1.9.1 zullen naadloos WSJT-X 2.1.1 was a bug-fix release to address several regressions in version v2.1.0. Download: https://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/k1jt/wsjtx.html
2 Nov 2018 So, now we can go and download WSJT-X from here. At the time of writting thats version 1.9.1 but it is updated frequently so you need to keep 12 Dec 2018 Version 2.0.0 of WSJT-X brings several new enhancements but is the title 'Installation Packages for WSJT-X' select and download Raspbian 3 Apr 2018 WSJT-X Developer Joe Taylor, K1JT, advises anyone planning to take part to download the latest “release candidate” (beta) version of WSJT-X — now Until WSJT-X version 1.9.0 is fully released, [FT8 DXpedition Mode] 28 Feb 2018 Es la segunda versión beta. he WSJT Development Group is pleased to announce a Release Candidate of WSJT-X Version 1.9.0. This is a
Software for Amateur Radio Weak-Signal Communication (JT9 and JT65) Git Clone URL: https://aur.archlinux.org/wsjtx.git (read-only, click to copy). Package If it is not known, you can also install the rc3 / rc4 versions. Download the sources http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/wsjtx-1.9.0-rc4.tgz and rename to 1.9.0.
30. Mai 2018 Die WSJT Development Group, ein Entwicklerteam um Joe Taylor, K1JT, hat die Herausgabe einer neuen Vollversion von WSJT-X The use of WSJT-X version 1.9.x (or later) is mandatory as V1.8.x does not in the download ZIP file, where the latter names indicate the overall image size. There is a new version v1.9 of FTRestore available for download. that was first implemented in WSJT-X version 1.9.0. which allows direct, automatic logging of Software for Amateur Radio Weak-Signal Communication (JT9 and JT65) Git Clone URL: https://aur.archlinux.org/wsjtx.git (read-only, click to copy). Package If it is not known, you can also install the rc3 / rc4 versions. Download the sources http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/wsjtx-1.9.0-rc4.tgz and rename to 1.9.0. 9 Jun 2018 This article shows how to install WSJT-X 1.9.1 64 bit version. $ lsb_release Next download wsjtx_1.9.1_amd64.deb file from K1JT web page:
9 Jun 2018 This article shows how to install WSJT-X 1.9.1 64 bit version. $ lsb_release Next download wsjtx_1.9.1_amd64.deb file from K1JT web page:
11 déc. 2018 La version 1.9.1 n'est pas compatible avec le version 2.0. Liens importants : WSJT-X version 2.0: https://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/k1jt/wsjtx.html https://slproweb.com/download/Win32OpenSSL_Light-1_0_2q.exe . Lees hier de snelstartgids voor de overgang naar het V1.9 protocol naar het Je kunt het programma vanaf de site van WSJT-X home downloaden en het is er 2 Nov 2018 So, now we can go and download WSJT-X from here. At the time of writting thats version 1.9.1 but it is updated frequently so you need to keep 12 Dec 2018 Version 2.0.0 of WSJT-X brings several new enhancements but is the title 'Installation Packages for WSJT-X' select and download Raspbian 3 Apr 2018 WSJT-X Developer Joe Taylor, K1JT, advises anyone planning to take part to download the latest “release candidate” (beta) version of WSJT-X — now Until WSJT-X version 1.9.0 is fully released, [FT8 DXpedition Mode] 28 Feb 2018 Es la segunda versión beta. he WSJT Development Group is pleased to announce a Release Candidate of WSJT-X Version 1.9.0. This is a 14 Jan 2018 With the current version of WSJT-X I'm running (set up under Flex 6K control)rather than Kenwood) it Version 1.9 & prior will not decode v2.0 signals. Someone suggested Slice Master which I downloaded and it is up.
Upgrade to 1.9.1 Use NetBSD clogf for FreeBSD systems that are not at HEAD Release: here: http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/k1jt/wsjtx.html You can also download the packages We hope you will enjoy using WSJT-X Version 1.8.0.
or the shortened version bit.ly/FT8OP to stay current. Any copies WSJT-X was written by the team that invented the mode (the original and best, you might say!)
28 May 2019 WSJT-X is version 1.9.1 and must be updated to 2.0.1. Rumlog is JT-Bridge should be a simple download to install/update. I can't recall for 23 Sep 2018 WSJT-X 2.0 rc1 has been recently announced by the WSJT-X It incorporates all FT8 DXpedition Mode changes already developed in WSJT-X 1.9.1. Open-source, download latest version for Windows, Linux, Macintosh Download and install WSJT-X (release 2.0.0 or higher) from: 1.9. Click on “Advanced” : check “Special operating activity” and Hound” (see image) ONLY IF Upload WSJT-X, JTDX and MSHV spots to DXMAPS. WSJT DX Aggregator has been tested with the release versions 1.6 to 1.9.1 of WSJT-X. Also with JTDX 18 Aug 2018 Decodierungssoftware WSJT-X und der Hilfssoftware JTAlert. • Angewandte Software: WSJT-X Version 1.9.1. Version 2.0 → Jan. 2018 Upgrade to 1.9.1 Use NetBSD clogf for FreeBSD systems that are not at HEAD Release: here: http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/k1jt/wsjtx.html You can also download the packages We hope you will enjoy using WSJT-X Version 1.8.0.